Immunization Requirements
Find the immunization requirements for the 2024-25 school year here .

When to stay home for illness
If you have questions about whether your student should attend school related to illness, consult the school nurse or this quick reference.

Flu and Covid Testing
The health offices at both the grade school and junior/senior high school have testing available for COVID, as well as Influenza A and B. These tests are conducted using an anterior nasal swab, meaning it is a swab around the inside of the . . .

Health Assessment Form
All students under age 9 are required to have a health assessment completed within 90 days of enrolling in a Kansas school for the first time. The form below can be completed by your child's provider and returned to the front office to . . .

Chronic Health Conditions
If your child has a chronic health condition, we want to help them stay safe and healthy at school with a Health Action Plan. This document gives us guidance on the best care for your child. Please note, if your child requires medication for . . .

Medication Permission Forms
If you would like medication to be administered to your child during the school day, a permission form signed by the parent/guardian must be on file. The permission form for prescription medications must also be signed by the prescribing . . .